I met her again.

I was in an airport – walking around. where was I going disoriented. where was I going to or from? people walking around. whites. dd not look at them.

I was unexcited about ebing with her . i JST accepted t. I was perfecting my email to her yesterday. I looked up the consequences of writing to her. seems fine. As i DO not qrite too freuqently or too many messages I am in the clear. all lovely stuff I am saying.

then I saw nods and nan tucks walking by or was it auntie olive. I considered speaking to them but did not. they did not espy me. nods called me yesterday. rejected ehr call as I was in hogs furth about to guide.

I was standing with dun elm. then I saw angela rayner. She had cut her hair to shoulder length and dyed it balck. Had wanted dun elm to do that. we used to talk about AR and say to dun whom would you prefer to do it with Gross man or AR? John prescott or Ar etc.. DUn chose AR every time and chuckled. she is a bit les

AR was with her boyfriend. did not look v like sam tarry. AR seemed blank at first – heavily made up. almost did not recognise her. we looked into each others’ eyes. then I suddentl noticed she deeply desired me. we drew closer. our lips met in a slow snog.

Dun was right beside me. she did not react much.

I walked off with AR. Her bf disappeared.

I lost my shoes somehow. bizarrley found myself waling in women’s high heels. AR was in high heels too.

we went down to an ndegerfound car park. where were we bound?

what does it signify ? THAT i do not want Dun back at some level? I have always know I desire AR. why the female shoon? I bethought me should I try a male. But I would not be receptive. I want someone more nubile

going to reunion this e’en. told farce I am bound to azania cheam.

I desire freya in hogs furth. much younger. born after I went up. But doubt she wants me. if I pay corut to her no doubt she shall complain and have me dismissed

I think of writing to brazil Azania farce. but if I pay court to her and she complains I would lost prava to be muallim. better play it safe. such things come out

I tried to be mark agent. I was an escroc. will I get away with it? Sophie superintende donly 8.

calculator with left hand. tried not to look. feigned incomprehension and deep thiming. could not use dog and bone to ask azania. doubut I will make the grade, they may suspect me of foul play. they cannot ban me on suspicion surely.